Tuesday, April 01, 2008

AT&T Abandons FTTN for FTTH


Unknown said...

Scott, I've convinced at least a dozen other telecom professionals to start actively joining in on discussions here on your fine blog. I'm getting lonely here.

Scott said...

Great! Thanks for putting the word out.

I think that one problem is that the site displays very poorly in IE. The list of topics is way off to the right for some reason. Casual visitors may think it's just a blank page. I'm working on it (in between tasks that I actually get paid for).

Scott said...

OK, I fixed the Internet Explorer bug. Bring 'em on!

Unknown said...

Um... April... fools? Sorry, my one and only. I usually just avoid the internet on April 1st, gullible people like me just don't fare well in such an environment. But thanks for fixing the formatting issue, it should help attract those not predisposed to keep to the right. Like the British.

Original Material, Design, and Layout Copyright 2006-2008 by Scott T. Wilkinson